Department of Ilmul Saidla (Unani Pharmacy) has been set up in the institute for preparing well trained under graduates in Unani Pharmacy. State-of-art laboratories have been established in this department equipped with necessary instruments with latest technology as well as classical Unani equipments. These laboratories will provide best available facilities to the students and researchers of the system to improve various dosage forms used in Unani Medicine, for preparation of newer dosage forms and Standardization and Quality assurance of the finished products. The Department is attached with full functioning and well established pharmacy unit.
Faculty members of department are actively engaged in teaching and research activities.
Department has three labs namely Quality control Unit, Compound formulation unit and Ilmul Taklees unit; these labs are well equipped with analytical tools and pharmaceutical machineries like Lyophilizer, Tablet disintegration apparatus, Dissolution apparatus, Melting point apparatus, Granulator, pH meter, Horizontal shaker, Auto clave, Colorimeter, Humidifier, Dehumidifier Magnetic stirrer, Muffle furnace, Stability chamber, Hot air oven, Ball Mill, Paper Chromatography cabinet, Friability tester, Electronic balance, Water bath shaker and Emulsifier.
Since the establishment, Department has shown a lot of progress both academically and in research fields of major interest in the special context of improvement in various dosage forms used in Unani Medicine, preparation of newer dosage forms and Standardization & Quality assurance of the finished products. Department has also planned for developing Cosmeticology section/ laboratory, a separate unit for taklees and microbiology laboratory.