A Unit of Ilaj-Bit-Tadbeer (Regimental Therapy) is working in hospital section for the care of the patients. The department is imparting high quality teaching and training at under graduate level. The department is deeply involved in training and teaching bedside teachings, seminar presentations, case presentations and demonstration of various regimental procedures.
This department is dedicated to provide promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services to the community. The treatment of most of the diseases is based on the line of “Tanqiya and Tadeel” (Elimination and Rejuvenation therapy) as advocated in classical texts. These therapies include Dal’k (Massage) with medicated oils, Riyazat (rehabilitation exercises), Hijamat (Cupping), Irsal-e-Alaq (Leeching), Gharghara (Medicated Gargle), Nutool, Inkabab (Steam bath), Zimad (application of paste of drugs), Mazoogh (Drugs for chewing), Pashoya (foot bath), Shamoom (Aromatherapy), Atoos, Saoot, Qutoor (Nasal/Ear Drops) etc.
Dal’k (Massage) with medicated oils, Hijama (cupping) and Irsal-e-Alaq (Leeching) have been found significantly effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems.